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Career Opportunities

Staff that serve the ERAT are BC public servants hired under the Public Service Act, typically hired by and reporting within the structure of the Environmental Appeal Board. Postings for vacant positions are made on the BC Public Service website.

Members, including Vice Chairs and the Chair, are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. All of those appointments, other than the appointment for the Chair, are made after consultation with the Chair. Members are paid based on the most recent and applicable Treasury Board Directive (presently #1/20).

The Chair may make recommendations for appointments based on need in the following subject areas: administrative, environmental, and natural resource law; biology; agrology; anthropology; natural resource development and conservation, including forestry; environmental science; engineering; hydrology; hydrogeology; and mediation.

The ERAT is committed to ensuring the membership and staffing reflects the diversity of British Columbia, and as such the Chair is particularly interested in those who have knowledge and experience in a one or more of the subject areas above, and who also identify as women; visible minorities; Indigenous Peoples; persons with disabilities; persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (LGBTQ2S+); and others who assist the ERAT to better represent the diversity of British Columbia.

If you are interested in the possibility of appointment as a member, please contact to express your interest.

Treasury Board Directive
BC Public Service Job Posting Board